
Why not to use Blacklists.

I was looking at Matt Presson's Blog article about executing scripts with foreign char sets and decided to write my own JSP to generate every XSS that could be executed with foreign characters. This is a perfect example of why not to use blacklist. A simple whitelist or better proper output encoding (mentioned in my last post) will thwart these attempts.

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%@page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Insert title here</title>
for(long i=0; i< 0x100; i++)
    long lt = 0x3C;
    long gt = 0x3E;
    long order = i << 8;
    long LT = order | lt;
    //out.println(Long.toHexString(LT) + " : ");
    long GT = order | gt;
    //out.println(Long.toHexString(GT) + "<BR>");
    String theScript = (char)LT + "script" + (char)GT + "alert(" + i + ");" +(char)LT + "/script" + (char)GT;
    out.println( theScript + "<br>");



This will generate 256 different versions of javascript to bypass blacklist input validation attempts. Here are a few examples. They may not display properly on this blog so i recommend running it on your own tomcat server.



What do you mean no Java output encoding !!!

I hear all the time that java does not have any good encoding libraries but have used some frameworks that do seem to encode the output properly. If anyone uses the struts framework and implements it properly then all your output is encoded properly if you use the following methods to output data.


<bean:write name="secData" property="username"/><br>
    <html:link href="./test.jsp" paramId="test" paramName="secData" paramProperty="username" > <bean:write name="secData" property="username"/></html:link><br>
    <html:hidden name="secData" property="username" /> <br>

The tag libraries bead:write, html:hidden, and html:link will all output either url encoded output for html:link (which creates an anchor tag) and html:hidden or will entity encode your output for bean:write.


What if your not using struts you ask?

Well this is great if you are using struts 1 and struts 2 (output tags are different for struts 2) but what you are not or you are writing servlets that generate html dynamically. This is not a problem. I dug a little deeper into struts to see what struts was doing and if there is a way to leverage this for other sites that do not use this framework. The URL encoding is simply URLEncode.encode( your string, your format). Its uses a default java class that has been around since 1.5. Just import java.net.URLEncoder.



String output = URLEncoder.encode("your String" , "UTF-8");


Struts 1 is using an entity encoder built specifically into the struts framework. The entity encoding is using a struts class called ResponseUtils. So you could import this class and still not use the struts MVC architecture.


String output = org.apache.struts.util.ResponseUtils.filter("your string");


Struts 2 does entity encoding by using a class TextUtils from WebWork. Import org.opensymphony.xwork2.util.TextUtils


String output = org.opensymphony.xwork2.util.TextUtils.htmlEncode("your string", true);


Proper Encoding with international Chars!!!!

There are other encoding options provided by the apache commons lang library. This is library is probably the most useful. To get it to properly encode international chars to the screen you need to first unescape the html before to escape the html. import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;



String Output = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(input));


Below is an example screenshot of the all above encodings in a simple servlet. Notice that StringEscapeUtils (the last one) will properly encode the xss attempt plus the Chinese  character set. This will solve the problem all you java developers have with output encoding international characters and can quit complaining that there isn't any good encoding options for java. =) My source code is attached here: http://my-security-projects.googlecode.com/files/testEncoding.war 


I hope this finally answers everyone's concerns for international character encoding in java. I'll let you all out there in the hacker community see if you can find a way to get past this model. Let me know if you do




Here is the page source:

<h1> Servlet Test </h1>
<br><b>Input String: </b> <script>alert('xss');</script> &#29615;&#29699;&#32463;&#27982;&#19981;&#26223;
&#27668;&#20013;&#22269;&#32463;&#27982;&#22686;&#38271;&#25918;&#32531; &#20013;&#22269;&#32463;&#27982;
&#36890;&#32960;&#25345;&#32493;&#25918;&#32531;&#12290; &#20013;&#22269;&#20061;&#26376;&#36152;&#26131;
&#30408;&#20313;&#21019;&#32426;&#24405; &#35775;&#35848;&#65306;&#20013;&#22269;&#22806;&#36152;&#21069;
&#26223;&#19981;&#23481;&#20048;&#35266; &#37329;&#34701;&#39118;&#26292;&#65306;&#20013;&#22269;&#38754;
<b>java.net.URLEncoded: </b>%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27xss%27%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E+++
<b>(apache commons lang) org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils: </b>&lt;script&gt;alert('xss');&lt;/script&gt;
&amp;#27982;&amp;#22686;&amp;#38271;&amp;#25918;&amp;#32531; &amp;#20013;&amp;#22269;&amp;#32463;&amp;#27982;&amp;#22312;
&amp;#32531;&amp;#12290; &amp;#20013;&amp;#22269;&amp;#20061;&amp;#26376;&amp;#36152;&amp;#26131;&amp;#30408;&amp;#20313;
&amp;#21019;&amp;#32426;&amp;#24405; &amp;#35775;&amp;#35848;&amp;#65306;&amp;#20013;&amp;#22269;&amp;#22806;&amp;#36152;
&amp;#21069;&amp;#26223;&amp;#19981;&amp;#23481;&amp;#20048;&amp;#35266; &amp;#37329;&amp;#34701;&amp;#39118;&amp;#26292;
<b>(struts-core-1.3.8.jar) org.apache.struts.util.ResponseUtils: </b>&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;xss&#39;);&lt;/script&gt;
&amp;#27982;&amp;#22686;&amp;#38271;&amp;#25918;&amp;#32531; &amp;#20013;&amp;#22269;&amp;#32463;&amp;#27982;&amp;#22312;
&amp;#32531;&amp;#12290; &amp;#20013;&amp;#22269;&amp;#20061;&amp;#26376;&amp;#36152;&amp;#26131;&amp;#30408;&amp;#20313;
&amp;#21019;&amp;#32426;&amp;#24405; &amp;#35775;&amp;#35848;&amp;#65306;&amp;#20013;&amp;#22269;&amp;#22806;&amp;#36152;
&amp;#21069;&amp;#26223;&amp;#19981;&amp;#23481;&amp;#20048;&amp;#35266; &amp;#37329;&amp;#34701;&amp;#39118;&amp;#26292;
<b>(xwork) com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.TextUtils with spec chars: </b>&lt;script&gt;alert('xss');&lt;/script&gt;
#32463;&amp;#27982;&amp;#22686;&amp;#38271;&amp;#25918;&amp;#32531; &amp;#20013;&amp;#22269;&amp;#32463;&amp;#27982;
#32493;&amp;#25918;&amp;#32531;&amp;#12290; &amp;#20013;&amp;#22269;&amp;#20061;&amp;#26376;&amp;#36152;&amp;#26131;
&amp;#30408;&amp;#20313;&amp;#21019;&amp;#32426;&amp;#24405; &amp;#35775;&amp;#35848;&amp;#65306;&amp;#20013;&amp;
#22269;&amp;#22806;&amp;#36152;&amp;#21069;&amp;#26223;&amp;#19981;&amp;#23481;&amp;#20048;&amp;#35266; &amp;#37329;
<b>apache commons unescape then escape with StringEscapeUtils: </b>&lt;script&gt;alert('xss');&lt;/script&gt;
&#32531; &#20013;&#22269;&#32463;&#27982;&#22312;&#29615;&#29699;&#19981;&#26223;&#27668;&#19979;&#21576;&#29616;
&#38271;&#20026;9.9%&#65292;&#36890;&#32960;&#25345;&#32493;&#25918;&#32531;&#12290; &#20013;&#22269;&#20061;
&#26376;&#36152;&#26131;&#30408;&#20313;&#21019;&#32426;&#24405; &#35775;&#35848;&#65306;&#20013;&#22269;&#22806;
&#36152;&#21069;&#26223;&#19981;&#23481;&#20048;&#35266; &#37329;&#34701;&#39118;&#26292;&#65306;&#20013;&#22269;
<form action="AscetikServlet" method="POST" >
<input type="text" id="input" name="input" >
<input type="submit" >

Apache Commons Lang: http://commons.apache.org/lang/
Struts 1: http://struts.apache.org/
Struts 2: http://struts.apache.org/2.x/
WebWork: http://www.opensymphony.com/webwork/
Mycode: http://my-security-projects.googlecode.com/files/testEncoding.war
My code is written for tomcat 6 with java 1.6 and all the above libraries.


God doesn't play dice. Quantum Crypto is Closer.

A quantum crypto device has finally been tested and demonstrated to the BBC. This will be interesting to see how the devices hold up. Quantum Crypto is based on an odd principle of quantum theory called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. It states that the act of observing an experiment changes the outcome. The current model is communicating over fiber optic cable and can communicate with 5 locations in Vienna. Due to the above mentioned principal, if someone where to perform a MiTM attack or sniff the traffic it would change the outcome of the desired result. The system would then produce a very high rate of errors and once this is detected the system will automatically shut itself down to prevent the interception of any confidential data. They are claiming that this will be an un-breakable encryption and i agree if it truly conforms to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle then it should be unbreakable. It will be interesting to see how many government allow this technology within its borders once its perfected. Most governments want at least a backdoor or limit the encryption strength. They have made the system to be robust and to reroute itself incase a quantum link breaks down so not to loose data between the two links.

"We are constantly in touch with insurance companies and banks, and they say it's nearly better that they lose 10m euros than if the system is down for two hours, because that might be more damaging for the bank," said Dr Huebel.

But one thing I have learned in security .. never say you are unbreakable. It would be interesting to see if hackers find a flaw in quantum theory that physicists including Albert Einstein have overlooked for years.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7661311.stm

Ghetto Input validation.

I was consulting on a project a few months ago that had very little budget but kept getting hacked weekly. The application was in ASP but that does not really matter for the point that I'm about to make. Since they had very little money and very little time and I wanted to perform very strict input validation I came up with a solution that I am surprised that I have never seen before. Why not just validate the entire query string instead of individual parameters. The entire site has very few post parameters and kept getting hacked through all the GET parameters so I wrote a simple ASP script that I could add to the beginning of every page. If that validation failed then the whole site would redirect to error otherwise execute the page code. I validated the post params individually since there where so few. I know that really what these guys needed to do was use bindable queries but there was aaaaallloottt of SQL and they only accepted alpha numeric, upper and lower case letters. Can anyone think of a reason how this could be exploitable. One quick statement and we stopped all XSS and SQL injection attacks against this site.  These guys where also a very small business that could not afford to be down for days while the code was being developed. For an enterprise I would prolly would not recommend this but for a small startup or local business then I think this could really help.


Here is my Classic ASP code.


Function ValidateQueryString( input)
    Dim re
    Set re = New RegExp
    ' alphanumeric regular expression
    re.global = True
    re.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9\=\&\ ]+$"
    if(re.Test(input) or input = "") then
        ValidateQueryString = True
        ValidateQueryString = False
    end if
End Function


every page will include this line at the top...

<!--#include file="Validation.asp" -->
if(ValidateQueryString(request.QueryString) = False) then
end if


No longer confident.

This is something that has really started to annoy me ever since I realized it. It came to me while I was playing with ettercap filters. For those who don't know you can use ettercap to perform ARP spoofing and MiTM attacks. etterap filters give you the added functionality to modify any traffic going to and from the victim or victims that you are ARP Spoofing. This has been fun to do things like replace all the images in webpages that your co-worker has been viewing with your own image that you host. Like the following.


Thats fun and all but now I have noticed something that ALOT of websites including many financial institutions are doing. They are trying (i assume) to make their home pages load faster by not SSL'ing their home page but still providing login functionality on this page. They usually have a JavaScript fuction that actually submits your credentials over SSL or it could be in a form. So it occurred to me that anyone who happens to be on my same subnet can ARP spoof me and change the javascript . The javascript could be modified to intercept my credentials, send them to another server, and still log me in and I would never know it. In fact i'm not sure of anything that most users can do to know that they are not a victim.

This is a poor coding practice that takes away all the visual cues that browsers are putting in place to ensure that you are sending your credentials over a secure link and training users not too look for them. Its not that hard to have a button that says "click here to sign in" to redirect you to an SSL'd login page. I have seen some sites that are ssl's but load some of their javascript from non-ssl'd sources which could allow for session stealling from sites that do set their cookies securly. My recomendations to developers are:

1. Only allow your users to enter crendentials on an SSL'd page.

2. Once users are on a secure section of the site then load all your javascript, images, or any other included content from only ssl'd sources as well.

