There is this really great feature in visio 2003 that is excellent for website spidering and mapping. I rarely find a need for a microsoft product but this one is actually very useful. If you have installed the web diagram options for visio then you can start a web site map. As soon as you select this link you are prompted for a URL. After entering the URL visio will spider the entire site and create a nice mapping of most areas of the site. It even shows you broken links. The only problem is that currently i dont see a way to log in to protected sites automatically but you can click on a node from the generated Visio and start interactive mode. This will start a browser in visio that will allow you to log in and navigate the site as well as record your movements on the visio diagram.

This could be very useful for both blackbox and white box testing. It may even uncover parts of the site you missed during your initial investigation of your audit target. I just started looking into it so i don't know how much it will assist me but
I've added your feed to my personal site at
Keep the informative posts coming!
Nice to read about the great feature in visio 2003, this is good for website spidering and mapping. thanks for the post.
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